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DofE Bronze Practice Expedition

DofE Bronze Practice Expedition

Year 10 students from Medina College completed a practice Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition last week. 

The group camped at Calbourne Mill campsite on Thursday night then hiked to Carisbrooke Castle on Friday. The students were well prepared and had the opportunity to hike and navigate a large part of the route unsupervised. Well done to everyone who completed the expedition – you demonstrated some fantastic skills. 

They now start to plan for their final expedition planned for the end of this term.

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Head of School’s Blog – 6 May 2022

6 May 2022

Welcome to the second newsletter of the Summer term. I hope you managed to enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend.

I would like to start on a very positive note, by congratulating our Dance Live team for their performance on Tuesday evening. They worked incredibly hard and did themselves and the Federation proud. They competed against Dance and Performing Arts schools and did not look out of place sharing the stage. Well done to all of the students and staff involved. I was and am a very proud Executive Headteacher.

Year 11 exams start next week with a couple mid week, and then in bulk the following week. Students have had reminders in assembly today about expectations, guidance reminders and some positive motivational messages. The exam guidance tip for this week is that students need to empty their pockets before their exam. They must not have any written materials, mobiles, watches or any internet enabled device on their person. They must only take into the exam room what they need for the exam. Important and useful information can be found on our website here: Examinations. Please encourage your child to revise, do leisure activities that they enjoy and feel relaxed doing, eat and drink regularly and sleep well. As always make sure they talk to staff if they have concerns.

Thank you to all Year 10 parents/carers who had meetings with their child’s subject teachers yesterday evening. These meetings were important and I hope you found them useful.

Please remember to follow us on social media as you will be able to regularly keep up to date with activities that happen during the week, and see useful reminders and general information. These posts include activities such as the Be Spark programme run by the Isle of Wight Cricket Board, PE club reviews, upcoming trip opportunity reminders, transport updates and careers opportunities. Links to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, as well as our website are available at the bottom of the emailed newsletter.

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Amazing Glasshouse Donation

Amazing Glasshouse Donation

A custom designed and built 12ft x 20ft glasshouse has been donated by Isle of Wight businesses APS Produce Group and P3P Partners, and constructed on the site at Medina College by Cambridge HOK, ahead of the launch of the IGCSE in Agriculture this September

The specialist and impressive structure allows students at the school to grow plants in a protected area where specific conditions can be maintained to ensure the highest efficiency. Students will be able to grow plants in the glasshouse all year round, which will hugely support them throughout the GCSE course and potentially future further education studies. 

The structure has been constructed on a piece of land on the school site which has been specifically developed as a farming plot. Students are already working on this land and have been so excited to start using the glasshouse. They are currently growing a variety of tomatoes, peppers, squashes and herbs in it. 

The glasshouse was donated to the school collaboratively by national companies with a large Isle of Wight presence,  P3P Partners, specialists in sustainable energy and vertical farming and APS Produce Group, the UK’s leading tomato and salad crop horticulture specialist, and was built by Cambridge HOK, a leading glasshouse construction specialist. Using their expertise and the latest technology, the glasshouse has been purpose-built to the needs of the students and the new course that they will be following from September.

Medina College is one of just three providers in the country to be offering the Cambridge IGCSE in Agriculture. 

The course presents a really exciting opportunity for our students to get a head start on a future career in agriculture; an area with a vast range of exciting opportunities for young people across the UK and, particularly, here on the Isle of Wight.”

Victoria Lloyd, Agriculture Course Leader

We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of APS Produce Group and P3P Partners. Without their financial support and technical skills and experience, we would not have been able to provide this resource for the students. It will make such a difference to their studies and will provide them with experiences that will enhance their learning massively. 

It has been fantastic to see how excited the students are to get involved with using the glasshouse already. We can’t wait to literally taste the fruits of their labour this summer!”

Matthew Parr-Burman, Executive Headteacher and Head of Medina College

APS Produce Group are the UK’s  largest supplier of British tomatoes to the high street, responsible for approximately 40% of total UK production. Specialising in the production and supply of top quality tomatoes grown in the most sustainable way possible, APS is a genuinely innovative and forward thinking business. They have 26.3 hectares of glasshouses on the Isle of Wight and 70 hectares in total across the UK. 

P3P Partners are one of the UK’s leading distributed heat and power specialists, with extensive operations in combined heat-and-power installations for horticulture, industry and hospitality applications, as well as development portfolios spanning anaerobic digestion, solar power and battery energy storage systems. P3P also invests in the specialist waste and vertical farming sectors.  P3P operates several sites locally in the Arreton Valley.

Cambridge HOK are vertical farming, glasshouses and energy specialists. Their glasshouses are designed and built to meet a growers exact needs. From large commercial glasshouses, research or leisure glasshouses, they create the optimum environment with the latest technology. 

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Be the Spark Cricket Leaders

‘Be the Spark’ Cricket Leaders

Thank you the Isle of Wight Cricket Board for running the ‘Be the Spark’ programme for a group of students this week.

Our new cricket leaders in Years 7, 8 and 9 can’t wait to help out at primary school cricket events across the Island this summer!

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Head of School’s Blog – 29 April 2022

29 April 2022

We are now in a pivotal term for our Year 11 and Year 13 students. The exam season is very nearly here and it is important that students are focussed on their own learning and revision schedules. If they have concerns, please encourage them to talk to their tutor or the year team. The top tips for this week in relation to the process and revision are:

Make sure they know the dates of their exams and to be on time. Allow themselves plenty of time to arrive at school and get to where they need to be. While they will be allowed to sit the exam if they arrive late, the exam board may refuse to mark the paper.

Set goals they want to achieve every time they sit down to revise. This will ensure they are getting something out of every revision session and will provide an inspiring sense of achievement throughout.

Final reminders will be given to students as time goes on so please be assured that we are here to encourage, motivate, and support them.

Next Thursday is Year 10 Parents’ Evening. If you have not already booked appointments then please do so. This is an important time for this year group as they will be sitting trial exams at the end of June. Knowing how your child is doing at this point in their GCSE journey is vital to making sure they address any challenges now, rather than delay these conversations until Year 11.

We have an exciting event next Tuesday evening, the Dance Live final. It is being held at Portsmouth Guildhall and I am very much looking forward to going to watch this. All of the students have worked so hard, and whatever the result, they should all be immensely proud of themselves. I would also like to extend my thanks to all of the staff who have worked tirelessly to support this entry. This is an example of The Isle of Wight Education Federation working as one team, at its best. I look forward to updating you next week.

Please remember we have Bank Holiday on Monday, so all students need to be recharged and arrive on time ready to learn on Tuesday morning. Details regarding the IW Festival weekend will also be shared next week.

I hope you have a good weekend.

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Head of School’s Blog – 8 April 2022

8 April 2022

This term has seen a variety of activities take place and most excitingly, the return of many off site visits, as well as events that have not been possible for the last two years. It has been great to see students interacting more and enjoying themselves in ways that some have not been able to experience in their secondary school journey so far.

We have had the pleasure of holding celebration assemblies this week, and I know the students and staff love seeing success being acknowledged. The first week back after the Easter break, I will be leading assemblies on the ‘Respect’ element of our ASPIRE core values. I will explore the message that I am sharing in the first newsletter of the new term.

Carrying on from my exam tip about mobile devices and watches last week, this week we have an exam venue guidance and a revision tip.

Food and drink : Students may not take food into an exam (except in exceptional circumstances and by prior arrangement). Drinks must be in a clear/see through bottle, with no labels, writing or logos of any kind. Chilly bottles, or similar metal bottles, are not allowed.

Revision timetable: If students have not yet created a revision timetable then now is a great time to do that. They can use the Easter break to look at the dates of their exams (which can also be found on our website here). It will help them focus and ensure that once exams have started they are revising the right subjects at the right times. It will also take some of the potential stress away if they feel organised and in control.

Next term has some important and exciting events, including the Dance Live final, Year 6 in to 7 transition, which will be in person this year, Awards Evening, the Year 11 Prom, Parents’ Evenings for Years 10, 8 and 7, as well as the GCSE and A Level exams. We will be sharing information and write ups about these using all of our usual methods of communication.

We hope the students and staff who are travelling to Austria over the Easter break to go skiing have an amazing time – we look forward to reading about it on their return.

Thank you for your continued support and, as a general reminder, please ensure that all students start the new term positively, by being on time, in full uniform and equipped, with a positive attitude, ready to learn.

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Excellent Costume work in Year 9 Drama

Excellent Costume work in Year 9 Drama

Year 9 have been exploring the scripted and design elements that will be covered in GCSE Drama. In their recent lessons, they have been designing their own costumes based on scripted extracts. We wanted to share some designs that we thought were brilliantly detailed and thought out. 
A huge well done to: 
Keep up the fantastic work! 
Mr. Worsley and Mrs. Shorrock

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Treasure Island

Treasure Island

Thursday 30 March saw our long awaited performances of Treasure Island finally go ahead and, wow, it was worth the wait!

In this wonderful pantomime, the famous Long John Silver, his parrot Polly, and a gang of pirates set sail in search of buried treasure in the Caribbean. Jim Hawkins and Jenny Trelawney strive to outwit the wily seadogs with the help of Jim’s mum and her friends from the local Women’s Institute.

The whole cast worked so well together to bring the show to life and kept the audience engaged and entertained throughout. Their delivery was described as ‘hilarious’ and everyone in attendance would agree that it was a roaring success.

Covid has certainly thrown a few spanners in the works along the way as enhanced lockdown restrictions meant that the original performance dates at Christmas had to be postponed. Previous to that, restrictions within schools meant that no live performances could take place, so this was the first time that students had performed live on stage in at least two years. Year group bubbles also meant that students had not worked with anyone outside of their own year group for two years.

The cast worked very closely with the Carisbrooke College cast and supported each others’ performances by taking on the ensemble role for each other.

Huge thanks to the following:

  • Mr Lyle, Mrs Peckham, Mrs Shorrock and Miss Elkin for their expert leadership, direction and choreography
  • Mr Winsor for supporting and playing in the band
  • Ex-student Harry for his expert help with lighting and sound
  • The Art Department for their help with props and set
  • The Food Tech Department for providing the interval refreshments
  • The Bushell family for all of their help with costumes
  • Blackgang Chine for the loan of some of the set and props
  • Our Year 10 Stage Crew for being amazing and working hard throughout
  • Our Year 9 hair and make up artists

“Treasure Island gave our students the opportunity to work together as a team and it has been fantastic to see them bonding and developing new relationships. Since rehearsals began, we have seen the confidence of every student involved soar and it has been fantastic to witness this. I am incredibly proud of the students – they are all stars of the future!”

Mr Parr-Burman – Executive Headteacher and Head of Medina College

“Last week saw the culmination of so much hard work from our staff and students. They created a dynamic and hilarious show. Through the high winds of Covid regulations and the turbulent waves of delays they have battled through on the pirate ship “The Hispaniola” to perform a phenomenal show. Working closely with Carisbrooke students, the Medina Team proved “ship shape” and ready for action. Over the top characters and fabulous songs and dance led the audience on a pirate adventure across the sea to the sunny caribbean. The audience were fantastic joining in with the classic pantomime participation. Every Student involved gave it their all and were an absolute credit to Medina College. What a fantastic end to term! oh no it isn’t – OH YES IT IS!!!”

Mrs Shorrock – Teacher of Drama

“The panto was incredible!
I know how nervous some of the cast must have been but absolutely none of it showed through at all. I was sat in the very back row and could hear every line delivered confidently – including the ad-libbing. It was fantastic for me personally to see some of my quieter and more shy students come out of their shells into leading roles and absolutely owning their space and time in the limelight on stage. The presence of the leads must be commended here! If you had told me the year groups and ages of some of the actors/actresses, I just wouldn’t have believed you – a testament to their maturity.”

Mr Jager – Teacher of Science

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Head of School’s Blog – 1 April 2022

1 April 2022

Welcome to the penultimate blog post of this half term.

I would like to start by congratulating and thanking the cast who performed, and the crew and staff who supported the production of Treasure Island yesterday evening. The delivery of the roles by the cast was funny, engaging and I was proud to watch them enjoy themselves and entertain the audience so much. I look forward to the next production! Please look out for a full report, with some photos of this event next week.

Thank you also to our Year 9 parents/carers who attended the virtual Year 9 Parents’ Evening, we hope that you found this useful. The KS4 Pathways forms have been sent home with your child this week, following analysis of the straw poll that we did a couple of weeks ago. The straw poll gave us an early indication of which subjects and combinations of subjects would be popular. This feedback then enabled us to produce the Pathways form with the final lists of the subjects available in each of the four timetable blocks. Before you complete the form with your child, please consider all of the information that has been available. A link to the information on the website is here. If you need further conversations, please contact your child’s tutor in the first instance.

We are another week closer to the Year 11 exams starting, I will be adding a tip every week from now on about exams, both the preparation for and the sitting of them. The first tip is regarding mobile devices. We remind students several times on the way into the exam hall, and before, that no mobile phones or watches may be worn or carried on their person during the exam. These must be turned off and left in their bags. If a student is found in possession of one of these items, it will need to be reported to the exam board as malpractice. Depending on the individual circumstance, this could result in them receiving zero marks for that particular paper, potentially the subject, or even all subjects that season. This is a very basic expectation but unfortunately each season we do need to report an instance of this. The students have all worked extremely hard in some challenging circumstances, please make sure that they do not risk any of this by not complying with this rule.

Thank you for your ongoing support in general, it is very much appreciated.

Have a good weekend.

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Year 11 Basketball

Year 11 Basketball

On wednesday 30 March, our 9 chosen students from Year 11 competed in a series of matches for a basketball tournament. These students were Louis, Will, Luke, Alfie, Issac, Josh, Adam, Korbin and Corey.

Their first match of the tournament was against Christ the King and, despite losing 7-0, their morale was kept high and their drive for victory was still strong.

Their second match proved that they were still determined to win by having a close and nail biting victory over Ryde with a score of 8-6. Our scorers were Korbin, Corey, Adam and Alfie all scoring 2 points each.

After a short break, the team went head on against Carisbrooke for their third match. Once again the team shone as a group and won an 8-4 game which boosted them up to second place. Our scorers for match three were Will, Issac, Korbin and Corey each, once again, scoring 2 points each.

After two victories, their fourth game was unfortunately a loss to Sandown. The team tried their very best but only scored 2 points against the opposing team leaving them with a 6-2 defeat. Our only scorer for that match was Luke.

The team tried their very best to win the competition. After valiant attempts at going for gold, they unfortunately came 3rd. Nevertheless, they were an outstanding team and made the school proud. They showed great communication and team work and, despite being under huge amounts of pressure, they kept their cool and made the top 3. Well done boys!

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