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Author: Lora Shephard

Head of School’s Blog – 12 May 2023

12 May 2023

Our annual Year 7 Federation Games were held at Medina College this week. Thank you to all the students who took part, the PE departments on both sites who made the day a success and to all the staff who helped on the day. Unfortunately this year we lost to Medina College but the event was a great success and enjoyed by all. It was lovely to see and hear about the sportsmanship of all the year 7s across the federation.

Some Year 11s sat their child development exam this morning and next week sees the start of the first full week of exams. Breakfast will be served in the canteen from 8.00 am every morning during the exam season and teachers will be available to offer support and guidance. Research shows that pupils who eat breakfast perform better in exams. Even mild dehydration can lead to tiredness, headaches, reduced alertness and diminished concentration.

By the time it is the night before the exam, all revision should have been done. This is the perfect time for pupils to calm their nerves and make sure that they are ready to enter into their exam well-rested and confident in their ability. Limiting distractions (social media, technology, the internet etc) can help pupils think better and reduce stress. Eating a nutritious meal, doing exercise or doing a relaxing activity the night before an exam can all contribute towards being in the right mindset to succeed in an exam.

Our website has more information on exams and how you can support your child. We are holding some half term Revision Sessions and the timetable for these has been emailed to parents/carers of year 11 today. Website links are here – these will be shared each week of the exam season – Exam logistics and Exams revision.

An update regarding HISP has been sent to all parents/carers today. Please take a few minutes to read the letter.

Have a lovely weekend.

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The Young Enterprise IOW Grand Final

The Young Enterprise IOW Grand Final

The Young Enterprise Company Programme Isle of Wight Grand Final took place at Quay Arts on Tuesday 9 May. Both Medina College and Carisbrooke College teams have been working hard towards the big day alongside five other Island School teams.

The event kicked off with each team preparing a trade stand where they showcased their business ideas. Carisbrooke College Wicks of Wight students: Mia G, Sophie B and Jo M produced a variety of handmade products made from soya wax and essential oils, while the team from Medina College: Ruby H and Elsie-May P displayed the physical sample of their online app – Open up, to demonstrate how their mental health game worked.

Both teams experienced the power of business networking when they met and spoke with a range of people from the world of business. After the table top display, each company team presented their business Dragon’s Den style to the eagerly awaiting audience.

Once they had heard all of the speeches, the judges retired to make their decisions.

Carisbrooke College came joint Third alongside St Catherine’s School and will now attend the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Grand Final in Southampton on Monday 15 May.

Well done to all our students involved, they received some wonderful, positive comments about their business ideas!

The Medina College Young Enterprise Company Programme team are pictured below with Chris Court (Chris Court Associates) and Sandra Knowles (Hillbans).

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The Young Enterprise IOW Grand Final

The Young Enterprise IOW Grand Final

The Young Enterprise Company Programme Isle of Wight Grand Final took place at Quay Arts on Tuesday 9 May. Both Medina College and Carisbrooke College teams have been working hard towards the big day alongside five other Island School teams.

The event kicked off with each team preparing a trade stand where they showcased their business ideas. Carisbrooke College Wicks of Wight students: Mia G, Sophie B and Jo M produced a variety of handmade products made from soya wax and essential oils, while the team from Medina College: Ruby H and Elsie-May P displayed the physical sample of their online app – Open up, to demonstrate how their mental health game worked.

Both teams experienced the power of business networking when they met and spoke with a range of people from the world of business. After the table top display, each company team presented their business Dragon’s Den style to the eagerly awaiting audience.

Once they had heard all of the speeches, the judges retired to make their decisions.

Carisbrooke College came joint Third alongside St Catherine’s School and will now attend the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Grand Final in Southampton on Monday 15 May.

Well done to all our students involved, they received some wonderful, positive comments about their business ideas!

The Carisbrooke College Young Enterprise Company Programme team are pictured below with their Business adviser – Mark Lounds.

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BAE Systems STEM Roadshow

BAE Systems STEM Roadshow

This week students in Year 7 and 8 were taken on a journey from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space when the BAE Systems STEM Roadshow came to Carisbrooke College! The team who represent BAE Systems, The Royal Navy and The Royal Air Force, put on an exciting and informative show. The students were given lots of information and facts about how engineering allows us to explore unchartered areas such as space and under water and the science and technology needed to survive in these extreme environments.

Students were able to participate in a variety of challenges, where their communication and team work skills were put to the test. At the end of the show a five metre diameter model of the Sun was inflated next to a marble. This allowed students to see a scale representation of the Earth, to show just how huge the solar system is.

It was great to see our students so engaged as they learnt and interacted with the show. We hope the roadshow has inspired our students to consider the fantastic career opportunities in STEM!

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BAE Systems STEM Roadshow

BAE Systems STEM Roadshow

This week students in Year 7 and 8 were taken on a journey from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space when the BAE STEM Roadshow came to Medina College! The team who represent BAE Systems, The Royal Navy and The Royal Air Force, put on an exciting and informative show. The students were given lots of information and facts about how engineering allows us to explore unchartered areas such as space and under water and the science and technology needed to survive in these extreme environments.

Students were able to participate in a variety of challenges, where their communication and team work skills were put to the test. At the end of the show a five meter diameter model of the Sun was inflated next to a marble. This allowed students to see a scale representation of the Earth, to show just how huge the solar system is.

It was great to see our students so engaged as they learnt and interacted with the show. We hope the roadshow has inspired our students to consider the fantastic career opportunities in STEM!

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Head of School’s Blog – 5 May 2023

5 May 2023

Next week we will be welcoming Solent University to deliver a Student Finance talk to our Year 13 students who are planning to take up offers in September and also a ‘Getting ready to apply’ talk for our Year 12 students. Both are informative and important – please attend. We will be sharing all information from the presentations with parents next week.

Our Year 13 Celebration Leavers assembly will be held on Thursday 18th from 9.50am in our main hall. Please make the effort to attend, your Leavers photograph that was taken today will also be shared. Tickets for your Prom are also now on sale via the School Gateway App – £30 per ticket for this event to be held at Landguard Manor on 29th June, including a Hog Roast and a DJ.

Study leave runs from the end of Friday 19th May – not far away now. Please ensure that you have collected your individual exam timetable from Student Services and that you have shared it at home so that everyone knows your exam plans. Revision materials are still available to collect from reception, it isn’t too late to top up your revision notes. Remember: Repeat, repeat & repeat.

Enjoy another long weekend,

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Head of School’s Blog – 5 May 2023

5 May 2023

Welcome to the newsletter for this week. Thank you to all of the Year 8 parents/carers who came to our first in person Parents’ Evening for quite some time. It was great to welcome you into the school and for you to have a chance to get updated on your child’s progress. We will be sending a short survey to you about the evening. We would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete it, there will also be a question for any Year 8 parents/carers who were unable to attend.

Year 7 will have the opportunity shortly after the half term break, details will be sent before the end of term.

Year 11 exams are another week closer. Students had an assembly this week about exam logistics and expectations. It is vital that students do not do anything that will compromise the years of work they have done to get to this point. Please support us by reminding your child to make sure their phones are off and in their bags, they do not wear a watch, they have nothing in their pockets that shouldn’t be there, they are silent when expected and they answer all questions appropriately. We want them to ensure they get the grades they deserve. Please remember that we are all here to support them so please do contact their tutor in the first instance if there are concerns. We need to know before the exam, not after.

We look forward to welcoming students back after the Bank Holiday weekend.

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Head of School’s Blog – 5 May 2023

5 May 2023

It was lovely to once again welcome parents into school for parents evening. Thank you to all of the parents/carers of year 8 for attending. So that we can gauge how parents/carers felt out the face to face evening, we will be sending out a survey to those that did, and didn’t attend. We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete this as we value the opinion of everyone in the Carisbrooke College community.

Year 7 will have a face to face parents’ evening after the half term break. Further details will follow.

Year 11 Foreign Language oral exams, art and practical Food Tech have all taken place. Next Friday is the start of the written exam season and this year it starts with Child Development. In six school days all year 11 will be sitting their Biology Exam. This is the first whole school exam. They have been briefed in assembly this week on routines and expectations. All morning exams are expected to start at 9.00 am. Students need to meet at the school entrance where they currently line up at 8.45 am. Students taking an exam in the afternoon will have an early lunch. This will be at 12.20 pm. All afternoon exams are expected to start at 1.00 pm. Again students will meet at the student entrance at 12.45 pm. Important and useful information can be found on our website here.

I hope you enjoy the extended bank holiday for the Coronation weekend.

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Thai Students visit Medina College

Thai Students visit Medina College

Over the last three weeks we have been lucky enough to host nine Thai students at the school. The students are all in year 9 and are part of a group of fifteen students aged between 13-17, the older students have been on a placement at the Isle of Wight College. The students come from all over Thailand and most of them only met each other once before flying out to the UK.

The students have come to the UK for seven weeks, the aim of the trip is so the students can work on their English, gain an understanding of UK culture and to tell us about Thailand. During their first week they made an exhibition about Thailand and rice, which is currently on display at the Isle of Wight College. The students then had a couple of weeks of English lessons to help prepare them for their school or college placement. During the evenings and weekends the students have visited various places such as London, Portsmouth, Robin Hill, Alum Bay, Osborne House.

During their time with us, the Thai students have amazed us with their fantastic grasp of the English language. They have been a joy to host and we hope they’ve got lots out of their time on the Isle of Wight and at Medina College.

We asked the Thai students how they have found their trip, here’s what they had to say…

“I enjoy every moment here, even though it’s just a short time of being here. The teachers and most of the students here are really nice which makes me enjoy it. My favourite class here is Geography, the teacher was really kind and the things he taught me were really easy to understand and it was really fun.” Kannaphat (Grand)

“From the day that I started to study, I felt that all the teachers were very loving and all of my friends were very friendly. The society at school is very good. The curriculum here and Thailand are not that similar, for example, in Thailand we don’t have to walk to go to other classes, but here we have to go to another class. Overall, I really like this place.” Suchanan (Namwan)

“I am from Phitsanulok Province. At first when I came to Medina College I felt strange but time went by and I don’t feel like that anymore. People in this school are so friendly and they are kind. I love to come here.” Tinn (Justin)

“It’s good that we have this opportunity to be in England and on the island called the Isle of Wight, to be learning languages with local people. I really love the weather here, it’s not too cold and too hot, Thailand is very hot. My buddy is very kind and helpful. We like to have conversations because it helps my accent to get better.” Sasinat (Bonus)

“I come from Phetchaburi Province. I had to take an exam to exchange. In my school there are many monkeys because it is next to the mountain so they come down to find food at my school. When I arrived in England I was excited to meet my buddy, host family and other friends. I studied at Isle of Wight College for three weeks and at Medina College for three weeks. I study with my buddy at Medina College, she’s very sweet and kind to me. Her friends are very kind and friendly.” Torfun 

We asked our students how they got on being buddies…

Holly said “I don’t want my buddy to leave, I’ve really enjoyed having them here!”

Kayla told us “I’ve really enjoyed having my buddy here. She taught me some Thai words, I can now say hello in Thai.”

Fergus had this to say “It’s be a great! My buddy has taught my a lot about Thailand, including some of the language.”

Thank you to the Medina students who were buddies with our Thai students. They have all been fantastic ambassadors for Medina College and taken great care of their buddies.

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Year 10 Peer Educators

Year 10 Peer Educators

Following training, a group of Year 10 students recently took on the role of Peer Educators for year 7, which saw them deliver six lessons focusing on mental health and wellbeing as part of The Peer Education Project, a programme devised by The Mental Health Foundation. This secondary school-based educational programme aims to give young people the skills and knowledge they need to safeguard their mental health and that of their peers.

The programme supports the Five Ways to Wellbeing framework adopted by the federation which promotes and encourages a healthy mindset for students and staff. It is the first time that the federation has taken part in the programme and it was a big success with peer educators and year 7 students gaining knowledge of how to protect and improve their mental health in order to lead fulfilling and happy lives.

Year 10 Peer Educators Keira and Lacey-May gave us an overview of the project and told us what they had learnt from it. “Last year, in June, a selection of students volunteered in a project to help younger students with their mental health, this was the Mental Health Peer Educator Project. We did training at The Island VI Form with Carisbrooke College, from this training we planned out the lessons we would present to our given year 7 tutor groups. This project not only allowed us to help students, it also allowed us to view learning from a teacher’s perspective. Through this experience we learnt a lot about mental health ourselves and are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to engage with a class about such an important topic in our lives”.

We are already looking ahead to next year and are asking current year 9 students to consider becoming Peer Educators for our new year 7’s. All interested students should see Mrs Guy.

Our Peer Educators are pictured below with the certificates that they received for completing their training and undertaking the role of Mental Health Peer Educators for year 7.

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