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Author: Lora Shephard

Head of School’s Blog – 19 May 2023

19 May 2023

The Year 11 exams have got off to a good start this week.  The students have been extremely supportive of each other and followed procedures perfectly.  Many of them are taking the opportunity to join their peers and subject teachers for breakfast in the mornings and there is a great vibe from the students.  Next week is another full week of exams and breakfast will continue to be served with teachers available for help and support for the students.

Our website has more information on exams and how you can support your child.  Website links are here  – these will be shared each week of the exam season – Exam logistics and Exams revision.  If your child has any questions or concerns regarding the exams, please encourage them to talk to their tutor.

I thoroughly enjoy the Royal Coronation Prom at Osborne House. It was lovely to see the students from both Medina and Carisbrooke College performing together. They produced an exceptional finale to the concert.

Year 7 parents’ evening will be held in school on Wednesday 7 June.  An email has been sent to parents today with a link to the system to book appointments.  Please do book in as this is an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and how they have settled into their first year at secondary school, with their individual subject teachers.

School will break up at 3.10 pm next Friday 26 May for the half term holiday.  We will be holding revision sessions for year 11 students over the break.  Please see the timetable below for the revision sessions taking place.

Have a lovely weekend.

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Year 10 Peer Educators

Year 10 Peer Educators

Following training, a group of Year 10 students recently took on the role of Peer Educators for year 7, which saw them deliver six lessons focusing on mental health and wellbeing as part of The Peer Education Project, a programme devised by The Mental Health Foundation. This secondary school-based educational programme aims to give young people the skills and knowledge they need to safeguard their mental health and that of their peers.

The programme supports the Five Ways to Wellbeing framework adopted by the federation which promotes and encourages a healthy mindset for students and staff. It is the first time that the federation has taken part in the programme and it was a big success, with the Peer Educators and year 7 students gaining an understanding of how to protect and improve their mental health in order to lead fulfilling and happy lives.

Some of our Year 10 Peer Educators gave us an overview of the project and told us what they had learnt from it. “Last year, in June, a selection of students volunteered in a project to help younger students with their mental health, this was the Mental Health Peer Educator Project. We did training at The Island VI Form with Medina College, and from this training we planned out the lessons we would present to our given year 7 tutor groups. This project not only allowed us to help students, it also allowed us to view learning from a teacher’s perspective. Through this experience we learnt a lot about mental health ourselves and are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to engage with a class about such an important topic in our lives”.

We are already looking ahead to next year and are asking current year 9 students to consider becoming Peer Educators for our new year 7’s. All interested students should see Mrs Peckham.

Our Peer Educators are pictured below with the certificates that they received for completing their training and undertaking the role of Mental Health Peer Educators for year 7.

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Year 13 Leavers’ Awards

Year 13 Leavers’ Awards 2023

It was wonderful to have Year 13 together on Thursday 18 May for a final assembly. As well as sharing some important end of term information, it was a pleasure to celebrate our students and their successes by giving out the Leavers’ Awards.

Each subject area presented an award to the most exceptional student for their progress and achievement over the course of their studies at The Island VI Form. Special awards were also presented for Contribution to Debating Life, Outstanding Academic Progress & Achievement and the Head of School’s Student of the Year. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see details of all of the award winners.

Year 13 have now started their examinations and we wish them all the best of luck. Staff will continue to be available to support students in normal lesson periods until the final examination has taken place.

We look forward to seeing all of the hard work pay off on results day, 17 August 2023.

Award Winners

Award Student Winner Citation
Art & Design Poppy Miller Poppy has shown an incredible ability to create high quality, creative pieces in a broad range of materials. She has an fantastic work ethic and always manages to work through when things are tough. Our creative conversations are often bizarre and hilarious, and I am glad that she has decided to stay with us for her Foundation in Art course. Well done Poppy and have a fantastic Summer!
Business True Mitchell True has been a hard working, dedicated and committed business studies student throughout the course. True has shown the the ability to reach the highest level and a focus that is not easily matched. True has been a pleasure to work with as she is able to converse on a number of topics, express her opinion and take advice well. I wish you all the best for your future.
Biology Joe Reader Behind the scenes he has worked hard to develop and extend his subject knowledge to the highest level which he willingly shares to support his peers. Outwardly he has maintained a relaxed approach to his studies, maybe a little too relaxed during practical work! Well done and good luck with your Pharmacology degree.
Chemistry Anya Poerscout-Edgerton Amazing and sustained effort throughout both challenging years of chemistry. She always took on any challenging content willingly and demonstrated practical competency whilst helping her practical partners along the way. Anya has also made significant contributions to STEM club.
Children’s Play, Learning & Development Eirwen Coode Eirwen has demonstrated an outstanding level of dedication and focus. She has consistently striven for her very best efforts and her results and coursework mirror this. Eirwen will now take up a role within the Early Year profession to further her talents in supporting the development of young children.
Classical Civilisations Maddy Hemper Maddy is a lively and bright student who always has something to contribute in lessons. She has a great knowledge of the Ancient World and has been a pleasure to have in the room.
Computer Science Hallam Saunders Despite never having studied GCSE Computer Science, Hallam has shown great commitment and drive to conquer each topic. Often completed the tasks before his more experienced peers, always willing to help others.
Criminology Soraya Meadows It is very rare to encounter an individual who dedicates as much of themselves in terms of effort and commitment to work outside of the classroom as Soraya. Your work ethic, attitude and dedication to achieve will take you very far in life and we wish you all the best.
English Language Maisie Slimm Maisie has worked very hard from the first day of the course; she is organised and diligent and has taken every opportunity to develop as an English Language student. She is always willing to share her ideas with others, which she does with incredible patience, and has been an asset to the group. I wish her well in the future.
English Literature Hannah Ainsworth Hannah put a great deal into her study of English Literature from the very first lesson onwards. Her passion and deep interest in texts shone through in the exceptional standard of her written work, and her insight and attention to detail were an asset to everyone in our class. She is an excellent student and will do great things at university. Well done Hannah!
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Hannah Flowers Hannah’s diligence and attention to detail in her important and topical research into HRT have been rewarding to see. She has absolutely made the most of the opportunity of the EPQ, demonstrating excellent organisational skills and producing a superb research project – which we will be using as an example of what a good one looks like!
Fashion & Textiles (Single) Elena Ciobanu Elena has been such a pleasure to teach. She works incredibly hard and has a thoughtful and academic approach to all her fashion studies. This work ethic will be her secret weapon going forward! We wish her much luck.
Fashion & Textiles (Double) Tia Shutler Tia has worked so hard in Fashion throughout the two year course. Her dedication to experimenting and creating innovative Textiles and Fashion deserves recognition. She is a true designer and we can’t wait to see what she does next. Bravo Tia!
Film Studies Lily Meredith Lily has shown a real dedication to Film Studies and has produced innovative and highly academic and practical responses throughout the course. She searches out additional knowledge and understanding across a wide variety of genres and is always prepared to argue her viewpoint. She has been a real pleasure to teach.
MFL – French Leon Newnham Originally nicknamed “Eeyore” due to his bright, optimistic and sunny outlook on life, Leon has gone from strength to strength in French this year, smashing all targets and staggering us all with his phenomenal memory, diligence and commitment to getting the grades he needs to get into university. Absolute superstar!
Forensic Investigation Maddie Young Maddie questions everything and once she realised we were not going to do the work for her, she flew. She consistently puts in the effort to do her best. We will miss her incessant questioning. But we are getting our own back by making her come up on stage. Well done!
Geography Owen Starling Owen is a talented and hard working Geographer will skills in both human and physical geography. His work is always of the highest standard and he has shown commitment to the subject throughout the two year course. We are proud that he is going on to study Geography at University.
Geology Chloe Cohen Completely overturning the stereotypical image of a pale, middle-aged Geologist with a beard, Chloe has worked the hardest in the class throughout the last two years to make fantastic progress. She is going to be a fabulous Geologist!
Government & Politics Fred Rust Extremely thorough and knowledgeable student who has approached the course with 100% enthusiasm from the very beginning of Yr12. Fred wrote to the Senator of Alaska.
Graphics Reuben Wallder Reuben has worked consistently hard throughout the course and has shown commitment and dedication. He has realised a fantastic portfolio that demonstrates a high level of skill when working with a range of graphic design approaches – especially digital painting! We wish you all the best for your future in the creative industry. Well done Reuben.
Health & Social Care (Single) Liv Bird Liv has been an outstanding student throughout this course. She has worked tirelessly to produce coursework to the highest standard which has become increasingly analytical and detailed. She is extremely well motivated and has always used feedback effectively. Well done Liv, you have been a pleasure to teach. I wish you well in your university course where I know the skills you have developed will be invaluable to you.
Health & Social Care (Double) Mia Yardley Mia has an amazing work ethic and commitment to the course. Mia will be pursuing a career in the Health and Social care sector and we believe she will make a fantastic health care professional. He kind, caring nature and overall ability to use and apply her knowledge to the highest standard is fantastic – all the best for the future Mia, we wish you every success.
History Emily Fedden Emily has been a committed and enthusiastic historian from the very beginning of Year 12. She always makes constructive and accurate contributions to the class. Her work has developed steadily over the two years and she is now an accomplished historian. Well done, Emily.
Law Amelia Grannum Amelia has demonstrated real commitment and consistency throughout her two years in A level law. Her work ethic is phenomenal, and this can be seen clearly in the quality of her written work and in her understanding of legal principles right across the syllabus. Well done, Amelia.
Mathematics Charlie Horner A talented mathematician who has gone from strength to strength over the last two years. Charlie always finds the time to help his fellow peers and continues to ask questions to further his own understanding and knowledge. A delightful young man who has excelled at A level Maths and has been a pleasure to teach. Good luck for the future.
Mathematics (Further) Miles Bevan-Davis An excellent mathematician who has combined his talent with hard work to produce consistently high grades in Further Maths. A quiet and modest young man that has been a pleasure to teach. Here’s wishing you all the best for the future.
Media Studies Honor Sampson Honor has shown a wonderful commitment to Media and has produced exceptional academic and practical work over the two years. Her inquisitive and questioning nature has been boundless and she is a beacon for achievement for all her fellow students. She has a bright future within the Media sector.
Music & Music Technology Rufus Reader Rufus has demonstrated supreme commitment to the courses; he is always willing to help others and go above and beyond to create his best work. Fantastic work Rufus!
Performance Arts Wiktoria Brodowska Vicki has demonstrated that she is hard working, committed and creative. Always pushing herself to achieve in both theory and performance. Willing to help others and support others.
Philosophy Ruby Hendey Ruby has shown commitment to achieving the very highest standards in Philosophy, her dedication and work ethic is inspirational and a credit to her. She has shown a real flair for Philosophy, showing a critical eye for concepts and an impressive ability to pick apart arguments and construct her own responses to theories. With these skills, her positive attitude and integrity, Ruby will go far-congratulations!
Photography Alicia Jupp Alicia has been a delight to teach from the moment she joined the course. She has negotiated the technical element with determination and good spirits. Alicia has strong ideas for her photoshoots and surprised us with her bravery, both behind, and in front of the camera! We are not losing her completely as she is studying on the Art Foundation course in September. Have a great Summer Alicia, very well done!
Physical Education Robson Adkinson Robson is an unfailingly pleasant and polite student whose whole attitude to the course has been exemplary. He is always willing to go above and beyond to help his peers and support the PE department with running events. We wish him every success as he continues his studies in Sports Management next year.
Physics Josie Martin Josie has demonstrated an incredible enthusiasm and work ethic throughout her time here. If she is at all unsure of an idea then she will tenaciously pursue an explanation through any and every resource available until she is satisfied that it makes sense. Well done on an outstanding two years Josie.
Psychology Laila Dillon Always going above and beyond expectations and a natural psychologist in the making from the start! I am sure we will one day be teaching about the influential female psychologist Dr Laila!
Sociology Mia Toogood Mia has worked hard consistently across both years of VI Form despite adverse circumstances and setbacks. She has shown incredible resilience, persistence and grit and embodied what it means to be a great VI Form student. Well done Mia!
Spanish Grace Boulton Grace has been a delight to teach throughout the course. She has a phenomenal ability when it comes to vocab games – a fantastic memory for words and has expertly combined her love of art/graphics into her study of Spanish. Wishing you all the best for the future.
Spanish Miruna Livanu Miruna has been an outstanding student with an uncanny knack for uncovering and sharing all sorts of useful links to articles and video clips to enhance her own knowledge and that of others in the class. She has a fantastic ability in languages which should see her mastering even more in the future!
Sport Beth Blake It has been a delight to teach Beth throughout the last academic year. She has displayed real enthusiasm and commitment to the subject which is reflected in the grade that Beth has achieved. Well done.
Travel and Tourism Frankie Murphy Frankie has been an outstanding student in Travel from the onset. Her attention to detail and understanding of all aspects of the industry has been very impressive. Frankie has undertaken work experience as a writer for a travel website and has had many excellent, well research articles published. Frankie has been a delight to teach and will go far.
Contribution to Debating Life Tilly Grimshaw Her curiosity about life, the universe and everything has really paid off through her fantastic ability to discuss, debate and engage with all subjects. Tilly has impressed with her enthusiasm, ability to listen to others all her work with Student Voice, her contributions at Talking Shop, and part of our winning Mock Trial team. Well done and thank you!
Outstanding Academic progress and Achievement Matthew Penn Outstanding progress from GCSE to A level, predicted to achieve at least one grade higher than target grade.
Outstanding Academic progress and Achievement Mckenzie Cornwell Outstanding progress from GCSE to A level, predicted to achieve at least one grade higher than target grade.
Head of School Award – Student of the Year Tilly Grimshaw An active member of student voice, key member of the debating group, excellent grades, founder of the chess club, always willing to go the extra mile and more importantly she is a genuinely lovely person.
Head of School Award – Student of the Year Oleksii Bakal Having been only with us for a short time, in very difficult circumstances, he has made outstanding progress. He is a very polite and caring person who it has been a pleasure to know.

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The Royal Coronation Prom at Osborne House

The Royal Coronation Prom at Osborne House

On Tuesday 16 May 15 students from Carisbrooke College and Medina College came together to sing as a federated choir at a Royal Coronation Prom at Osborne House. The federated choir performed alongside various other schools from across the Island.

The sun shone on what was a lovely celebration of local musical talent and community spirit. Our choir performed at the very end of the concert, closing the evening with 3 ‘Royal’ themed pieces, Lorde’s ‘Royals’, Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’ and the ‘Circle of Life’ from the Lion King.

We received many positive comments from the concert organisers and various audience members about the high standard of our students’ performance and also their overall behaviour and conduct throughout the event. Well done to all who took part!

If you would like to join our school choirs and take part in other amazing performance opportunities like this come along to our lunchtime clubs. Please speak to your Music teacher for further information.

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The Royal Coronation Prom at Osborne House

The Royal Coronation Prom at Osborne House

On Tuesday 16 May 15 students from Carisbrooke College and Medina College came together to sing as a federated choir at a Royal Coronation Prom at Osborne House. The federated choir performed alongside various other schools from across the Island.

The sun shone on what was a lovely celebration of local musical talent and community spirit. Our choir performed at the very end of the concert, closing the evening with 3 ‘Royal’ themed pieces, Lorde’s ‘Royals’, Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’ and the ‘Circle of Life’ from the Lion King.

We received many positive comments from the concert organisers and various audience members about the high standard of our students’ performance and also their overall behaviour and conduct throughout the event. Well done to all who took part!

If you would like to join our school choirs and take part in other amazing performance opportunities like this come along to our lunchtime clubs. Please speak to your Music teacher for further information.

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Year 7 Federation Games

Year 7 Federation Games

On Wednesday, Medina College hosted this year’s Federation Games event. This is an annual event within the federation where all of the year 7 students from Carisbrooke take on all of the year 7’s from Medina in 5 different sports. This year’s sports were Basketball, Cricket, Boys Football, Girls Football and Handball.

The day started with an opening ceremony in the theatre, where we discussed good teamwork and sportsmanship. After moving to their sports areas, the competition got started with a bang. It was amazing, yet again, to see so many young people getting fully involved and working hard. Many of the students have never experienced a full sized sports event and it was great to see them get fully stuck into their events! With the lunch break approaching, it was clear that students were still willing to work hard and some teams had started to show themselves as potential winners of their sports.

After the lunch it was the finals, where the winning teams in each sport would be crowned. The closest two sports were the Football events, where, in both the boys and girls finals, there was a team from each school. The top place rested on these games.They would prove to be spectacular, with all of the teams involved showing great skills and endurance after a long day.

The final results:
Basketball – Winner Medina College.
Cricket – Winner Medina College.
Boys Football – Winner Medina College.
Girls Football – Winner Medina College.
Handball – Winner Medina College.

Therefore the overall winner of the 2023 Federation Games was Medina College.

Congratulations to all of the students from year 7 who took part, you were fantastic representatives for the federation! A special thank you to the year 9-10 leaders from both schools, who officiated the event – you are a huge credit to the federation. A final thanks to all of the PE team for their hard work and to the members of teaching and support staff, who came out to support the event!

A great day had by all. Roll on next year’s event where Carisbrooke will be looking to take the top spot!

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Year 7 Federation Games

Year 7 Federation Games

On Wednesday, Medina College hosted this year’s Federation Games event. This is an annual event within the federation where all of the year 7 students from Carisbrooke take on all of the year 7’s from Medina in 5 different sports. This year’s sports were Basketball, Cricket, Boys Football, Girls Football and Handball.

The day started with an opening ceremony in the theatre, where we discussed good teamwork and sportsmanship. After moving to their sports areas, the competition got started with a bang. It was amazing, yet again, to see so many young people getting fully involved and working hard. Many of the students have never experienced a full sized sports event and it was great to see them get fully stuck into their events! With the lunch break approaching, it was clear that students were still willing to work hard and some teams had started to show themselves as potential winners of their sports.

fter the lunch it was the finals, where the winning teams in each sport would be crowned. The closest two sports were the Football events, where, in both the boys and girls finals, there was a team from each school. The top place rested on these games.They would prove to be spectacular, with all of the teams involved showing great skills and endurance after a long day.

The final results:
Basketball – Winner Medina College.
Cricket – Winner Medina College.
Boys Football – Winner Medina College.
Girls Football – Winner Medina College.
Handball – Winner Medina College.

Therefore the overall winner of the 2023 Federation Games was Medina College.

Congratulations to all of the students from year 7 who took part, you were fantastic representatives for the federation! A special thank you to the year 9-10 leaders from both schools, who officiated the event – you are a huge credit to the federation. A final thanks to all of the PE team for their hard work and to the members of teaching and support staff, who came out to support the event!

A great day had by all. Roll on next year’s event where Carisbrooke will be looking to take the top spot!

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Head of School’s Blog – 12 May 2023

12 May 2023

Dear Students, Parents and Carers

Thank you to Solent University who delivered a talk to Year 13 about student finance and to Year 12, a general introduction to University and UCAS. I have made a video presentation of the student finance talk if students missed it or parents wish to know a bit more: Link (scroll to the Student Finance section, towards the bottom of the page)

Our Year 13 Celebration Leavers assembly will be held on Thursday 18 from 9.50 am in our main hall. Please make the effort to attend, your Leavers photograph that was taken last week will also be shared. Tickets for your Prom are also now on sale via the School Gateway App – £30 per ticket for this event to be held at Landguard Manor on 29 June, including a Hog Roast and a DJ.

Study leave runs from the end of Friday 19 May. Please ensure that you have collected your individual exam timetable from Student Services and that you have shared it at home so that everyone knows your exam plans. Revision materials are still available to collect from reception, it isn’t too late to top up your revision notes. Remember: Repeat, repeat and repeat.

Hopefully we will all enjoy a sunny weekend,

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Head of School’s Blog – 12 May 2023

12 May 2023

Welcome to the newsletter for this week.

Year 11 exams started today for some, but the first whole cohort exam is next week. Please encourage and support your child to revise, eat and drink, relax and sleep. All four of these activities are vitally important. Breakfast will continue to be available throughout the exam season, and will be served from 8am. Letters about revision sessions over the half term break have been sent today. Website links are here – these will be shared each week of the exam season – Exam logistics and Exams revision.

An update regarding HISP has been sent to all parents/carers today. Please take a few minutes to read the letter.

We held our annual Year 7 Federation Games this week between Medina College and Carisbrooke College. Thank you to all of the students from both schools who took part and to all of the PE staff who organised and ran the day. The competitions themselves were closer than the overall result suggests, however, Medina College were the winners of all five sports and won the overall trophy. Well done to you all!

Please also keep up to date with the numerous news stories involving students across all year groups on our social media platforms.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

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