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Equality and Rights Advocates (EARA) Group

Equality and Rights Advocates (EARA) Group

A group of students from years 8 and 9 recently attended the inaugural Isle of Wight meeting of the Equality and Rights Advocates (EARA) group at Christ the King College. EARA was created by a school on the mainland to “Challenge the way both students and teachers think and view our world and our fellow inhabitants and aspire to reduce the discrimination that students of different groups face at school, whether it be down to their race, sexuality, appearance or lifestyle”.

The EARA group addresses many of the nine characteristics protected under the Equalities Act of 2010. They consider how prejudicial attitudes and behaviours towards those who share those characteristics impact on their school community. The group decides which aspects to focus on and discuss ways in which to advocate within their school.

The EARA Group’s aims are to:
Promote the Equality Act
Enhance pupil voice
Challenge discrimination and prejudice
Advocate for the rights of the child (UNCRC)
Encourage positive attitudes towards difference
Develop pupil confidence and life skills
Support vulnerable students
Increase participation and engagement

Our students were fantastic ambassadors for the school during their visit to Christ the King College. The group found the meeting very insightful and they told us that “The EARA group is a group that stands for children’s and young people’s rights, and for a safe environment in school, free of discrimination”.

Keep a lookout for updates about our group’s project!

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Library News

Summer Reading Challenge Results!

Over the summer, the Library ran a Summer Reading Challenge. The challenge was designed to get students reading a wide variety of materials in a variety of places and to try something new.

Students read poems from John McCrae, Simon Armitage and Christian Rivera; books from authors such as Alice Oseman, JK Rowling, Daren Shan, Susan Collins and James Dashner to name a few. They also enjoyed reading non-fiction books on nature, conservation and animals to artificial intelligence and true crime.


There were over one hundred entries into the draw for an Amazon Fire Tablet. The lucky winner was Phoebe from Year 8. Congratulations to you Phoebe!

All participants received a certificate, achievement points and a book. Well done to everyone that took part!

Keep reading, Ms Ryan and Mrs O’Callaghan.

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Brass Instrument Taster Session

Brass Instrument Taster Session

Students at Carisbrooke enjoyed a fantastic morning at our Brass ‘taster session’ workshop on Monday with Martyn Stroud (Brass teacher from Wight Music Tuition). The students had an opportunity to learn about the Brass family and play some of the Trumpets, French Horns and Trombones that Mr Stroud had brought with him, even putting together a short performance at the end.

If your child would like to sign up for Brass lessons, Mr Stroud is offering group lessons (in pairs) for £80 a term; as we are already halfway through this term, this means there would be £40 to pay for November to December. There is also the option of paying in monthly instalments, if this is something you would prefer, to help spread the cost of the lessons. Lessons will take place during school hours.

If you would like to sign up for these lessons please email to register your interest, you will also need to complete an application form on the Wight Music Tuition website, indicating which instrument and selecting ’20 minute in-person group lessons’. You do not need to select ‘yes’ for hiring an instrument as Mr Stroud can arrange this for you once lessons have started.

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Head of School’s Blog – 14 October 2022

14 October 2022

Welcome to this week’s newsletter. I can’t believe there is only one more week before half term.

We had our year 7 Tutor Evening on Wednesday. Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended. The tutors really appreciated meeting with you and starting the vital partnership with you in supporting your child’s time at Carisbrooke.

Year 11 assembly this morning started with Mr Mumford talking to them about the up and coming open evening on Thursday 3 November at the Island VI Form. They were then split into four groups based on their current levels of attainment and their SLP (Student Learning Profile) codes. Each group received some key messages about what they need to do now in terms of work ethic and attitude. The main message is that “if you want something to change then you need to do something different”. A number of year 11s are working well and on track to do exceptionally well in their summer exams. They need to continue on this path. There are some that need to reflect and look at what they can change to improve their outcomes. Over the coming weeks we will be looking at ways to support year 11. They need to be positive, get on the right path, work hard and ask for help.

Our Christmas production for this year is well underway and we are all very much looking forward to the next half term to watch the performance.

The DanceLive team for this year has so many students, it is now full! What a great achievement. They are working very hard ready for next year’s competition. Keep up the good work!

Last week’s trip to The Globe Theatre in London was a great success. The students behaved in a very mature and well behaved manner and the trip was enjoyed by all who attended.

Next week we have the year 7 Disco to celebrate how well they have settled into life at secondary school and a year 11 Geography Field Trip to Sandown and Yaverland.

We have a staff development day on Monday 31 October, so we are closed to students (except for those students sitting an exam at The Island VI Form).

Have a lovely weekend.

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Year 7 Literacy Project

Year 7 Literacy Project

An important part of our Literacy Strategy is to ensure that Key Stage 3 students are equipped with the key literacy skills required and the belief that they can succeed at GCSE level. In order to achieve this we aim to remove as many taboos about Literacy as early as possible and make it seem less daunting to year 7 students as well as building their confidence with regards to school and their own abilities.

Last week we took a small group of year 7 students and immersed them into the Shakespeare text, The Tempest. Initially, students were worried about not being able to understand the words and the writing but by approaching the text through The Arts, the students soon became comfortable with the ideas and themes within the plot.

These year 7 students worked with local artist Glenn Martin, and English teacher, Mrs Smith to access this tricky text. Through drama, music and art the students were plunged into the Elizabethan text and encouraged to think about the characters and how they felt.

By visiting the beach the students were able to experience the atmosphere of the sea and understand and appreciate its power. They were able to imagine that they too were castaways washed up on the sand and how frightening that might have been. The beach also allowed the students to create some fantastic art works and to act out sections of the text. When visiting the forest they were able to feel nature and talked about the language that could be used to describe the environment. They depicted key scenes from the text by creating boxes inspired by Joseph Cornell. The created and coloured maps of Shakespeare’s unnamed island marking out places that key scenes were set.

Back at school, students used their beach experience to compose a musical response with Mrs Peckham and performed Act 1 Scene 1 with Mr Lyle to gain further appreciation of the text.

This project allowed students to break down any preconceived notions they may have had relating to Shakespeare. Students ended the week by producing an exhibition for parents on Friday afternoon.

Thanks to Miss Begley for driving the minibus and Ms Ryan for supporting throughout the week. A big thank you to the Creative Arts Faculty for their assistance and unending positivity. 

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Terrific Tempest Carisbrooke

Terrific Tempest

A group of KS3 students from both Carisbrooke and Medina Colleges had the privilege of attending Shakespeare’s Globe in London last week to watch a production of The Tempest which forms part of their English Literature studies.

The in-house Globe Ensemble of actors created an amusing, visually inventive, and fun take on Shakespeare’s final play. Students were entertained by the costuming of characters who were dressed in modern garb rather than more traditional attire. Students were amused by Caliban’s call and response routine at the end of the first half; Prospero’s scheming brother Antonio and his inner-circle’s “feast that wasn’t”; the Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban “washing-line” scene (the “washing line” having been turned into washed ashore lost Amazon packages) to name a few.

Visiting Shakespeare’s Globe adds to the impact of the play and allows students to truly feel immersed in the theatre environment.

Attending as Groundlings (an audience who stands in front of the stage) for the production also helped students further understand the context of Shakespeare’s time and experience the play as he intended. Watching a Shakespeare play on stage allows the students to gain a better understanding of the themes and character development within the text and this helps them to develop their comprehension of the play.

Despite some transport difficulties, it was a lovely, sunny day and was enjoyed by all!

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Head of School’s Blog – 7 October 2022

7 October 2022

Welcome to this weeks’ newsletter.

This half term is definitely flying by. Tutors have been working with their tutor groups to create Aspire & Achieve boards. I think you would agree that they are impressive. Our core values are built around ASPIRE which are Ambition, Success, Progress, Inspirations, Respect and Equality. These are now integral in our rewards system.

Assemblies in school this week have been supporting Black History month. The theme for this year’s Black History month is “Time for Change: Actions Not Words”. The purpose of this theme is not just to educate people on Black History but to inform and empower people to be true allies in the anti-racism movement.

Some of our Year 7 students have been learning about Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ as part of our ‘Literacy week’ activity. They had a trip to the beach, which I had the pleasure of attending with them, and working with a resident artist. They have been creating artwork, musical responses and physical performances based on The Tempest. This way of learning, we hope, will have helped them enjoy and appreciate the text. They attended a performance of The Tempest at The Globe Theatre in London yesterday which they were buzzing about this morning.

Next week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, our Year 7 students will be sitting CATs (Cognitive Abilities Tests). No revision or prior learning is required. This involves three tests over the three days. Results from the tests help us to understand learning styles and highlight potential difficulties that students may be facing.

As the college continues to improve, we continue to raise our expectations on our students getting the basics right. Our focus currently is on piercings, rings, make-up, nails and false eyelashes. Can I please remind parents of our uniform policy around these and have attached a link

Attendance is really important and there have been some assemblies on the impact of student outcomes that can be linked to attendance. Can I remind you on the process to report absence from school –

Year 7 Tutor Evening is taking place next Wednesday. If you haven’t already booked your appointment and would like to, please use this link This appointment will give parents/carers the opportunity to discuss how their child is settling into secondary school life. We are looking forward to meeting our new parents.

As a reminder, half term is approaching, which is w/c 24 October. We have a staff development day on Monday 31 October, meaning we are closed to students (except for those students sitting an exam at The Island VI Form). This is one of our five days that all schools allocate at some point throughout. We will be expecting students to return on time, in full uniform and ready to learn on Tuesday 1 November.

Have a lovely weekend.

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Carisbrooke College Awarded the PEACH Bronze Award

Carisbrooke College Awarded the PEACH Bronze  Award

Carisbrooke College has been awarded the Partnership for Education, Attainment and Children’s Health (PEACH) bronze  award. The award is for the College’s commitment to improving the wellbeing, health and attainment  of students throughout the school.  The award is a self review of 34 criteria which is then assessed by an independent panel.   Carisbrooke and Medina College are the first secondary schools on the Isle of Wight to achieve this award.
The award focuses on four domains:
  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic education.  How the whole curriculum promotes students’ learning on emerging issues, relationships, diversity and health issues across a range of contexts.

  • Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health – How the school provides and raises awareness of students’ emotional health and mental wellbeing to build confidence, resilience and raise self esteem.

  • Physical Activity – The importance of physical activity in school during lessons, not just PE lessons, and also extra curricular provision.

  • Healthy Eating – The importance of nutrition through curriculum subjects, school lunch providers and general reinforcement of healthy eating.

This is a tremendous achievement for all of us at Carisbrooke and recognises the great work which we are undertaking to improve wellbeing for everyone in the Carisbrooke Community.  A huge thank you to all of the staff, students and governors who have helped us to achieve this award.

The school is now working towards the SILVER award – more details to follow.

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Head of School’s Blog – 30 September 2022

30 September 2022

Welcome to this week’s newsletter which is full of information regarding our extra curricular activities for all year groups. This information has also been shared on our social media platforms this week, please follow us on one of these to keep up to date with all of the interesting activities we have on offer.

At our Open Evening on Tuesday, we opened our doors to the year 6 students on the island and their parents/carers. I would like to say a huge thank you to our staff who were on hand to talk to our visitors and to all our fabulous students who helped on the evening as tour guides or in the classrooms demonstrating lessons, I was extremely proud of you all. The feedback we have received from parents/carers is excellent with regards to the information on the evening from both staff and student helpers. The deadline for applications is 31 October. If anyone was not able to attend and would like to see the school they can contact reception to book an alternative visit.

On Wednesday, all our students had their individual photos taken and details of how you can purchase these will be sent out in the next couple of weeks. I was very pleased with the students as they were well behaved for the photographers and made the process quick and easy.

Year 7 parents will shortly be receiving an invitation to the Year 7 Tutor Evening. This will give parents/carers the opportunity to discuss how their child is settling into secondary school life.

Please see a separate update from the Executive Headteacher, Mr Parr-Burman, regarding the IWEF/HISP consultation that ran prior to the summer break.

Have a lovely weekend.

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Former student takes part in The Queen’s State Funeral Procession

Former Student takes part in The Queen’s State Funeral Procession

This week we received news that one of our former students, Marcellino Mamo, took part in The Queen’s State Funeral procession. Marcellino, who is now 20 years old, is a Mine Warfare Specialist in the Royal Navy.

The Royal Navy played a crucial role in the procession that followed the State Funeral service. More than 130 of their sailors had the honour of pulling the State Ceremonial Gun Carriage bearing the Queen’s coffin for 2 miles through London. The Royal Navy confirmed, on their official website, that 98 sailors would haul the two-and-a-half-ton ceremonial carriage, while a further 40 sailors would march behind the vehicle acting as brakes.

The role that the Royal Navy carry out during State Funeral processions has been a tradition since 1901 when they stepped in to pull the State Ceremonial Gun Carriage which was bearing Queen Victoria’s coffin at the time.

We are extremely proud of everything that Marcellino has achieved since leaving our school and wish him all the best for the future.

Marcellino Mamo – Second from back 

Marcellino Mamo – Third from back in the very left line of Royal Navy Personnel

Photos courtesy of Rachel Pascoe

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