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Author: Gemma Long

Fairtrade Group off to a great start!

Fairtrade Group off to a great start!

The first meeting of the Medina Fairtrade group was held on Friday 21 January, where students and staff discussed actions that can be taken to work towards the FairActive award. It was a great opportunity for students and staff to discuss individual motivations for wanting to be involved in a group, working for more equality to the developing world, and to try some different Fairtrade chocolate at the same time.

The group was started following the successful PSHE lesson at the end of last term on Fairtrade.  The group will be meeting next week Friday, 4th February with the aim of discussing activities and events to be involved in for the up-coming Fairtrade Fortnight. Please get in contact with Mr Donald if you are interested in joining.

As part of the Fairtrade work in PSHE, Tutor group 8D produced this fantastic Fairtrade tree to highlight the importance of the charity.

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Mud, Views and Horses!

Mud, Views and Horses!

The year 9 & 10 DofE participants completed a 8km day hike on Saturday (15 January) near Niton. As well as learning some new skills in navigation and map work, the students  also saw some great views, encountered a hunt and a great deal of mud!

Well done to the students for getting out on a Saturday morning and thank you to parents for lifts and support. Next step for the final expedition at the end of term for year 10s and year 9 will be doing their practice and final expedition in the summer.

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First Marks Exhibition

First Marks Exhibition

On Tuesday 18th January we were able to take students from Year 7 and Year 8 to Independent Arts in Newport to help curate an exciting new exhibition called ‘First Marks’.

The work displayed forms part of the Creative Biosphere Project, which aims to inspire creativity within young  people through the Island’s UNESCO Biosphere status. This year-long  project hopes to foster an appreciation of the young people’s local environment  and heritage, strengthen partnerships, increase awareness of the Island’s  Biosphere designation and increase engagement with the Island’s cultural  organisations.

As part of this partnership, “artist in residence” Island paleo artist and sculptor Trudie Wilson has been running workshops in  school with pupils from years 7, 8 and 9, VI form and Art Foundation students. This exhibition is the first in a series of displays and events that Independent Arts will be undertaking with pupils from the school to celebrate their  exploration and discovery of the Biosphere. 

“This first exhibition shares our initial marks and ideas as we explore the  Creative Biosphere together. All the works are inspired by Isle of Wight  environments, from current life and biodiversity to 125 million years of  prehistoric heritage. Using various media to explore these concepts we  present our early experiments and visual ideas. ” – Trudie Wilson.

We were so impressed with the maturity of all students involved. They managed to show superb creativity and great decision making.

We look forward to all the exciting opportunities that this project will be able to offer to all members of our Federation.

The project is supported using public funding by the National Lottery  through Arts Council England and The Isle of Wight Area of Outstanding  Beauty (IWAONB), and by the two High Street Heritage Action Zones  (Newport and Ryde) and Ventnor Exchange’s #IWILL project.

First Marks will be on display to the public from 18th January – 7th February, 10.00am – 4.30pm, Independent Arts, Newport.

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Head of School’s Blog – 21 January 2022

21 January 2022

We have had a couple of really nice messages about Carisbrooke students from external organisations which I would like to share with you. Ben M and Tom L in year 11 have been involved in the Police and Crime Commissioner round table event as cyber ambassadors. Their input has been highly praised and we received an email asking us to pass on a big thank you from all who attended.
“Please send them our thanks, it was good to hear their views and having them there really helped all present to focus”.

Last Tuesday I had the pleasure of going to see our students at the Independent Arts HUB in Newport. We were offered an exhibition space for work that had been produced in some of our students’ most recent workshops. It was fantastic to receive the following message:
“Your pupils are a credit to your school and we very much enjoyed meeting them yesterday and were very impressed with their confidence in taking a strong lead in creating their beautiful displays”

As you will be aware the Government updated their guidance this week to say that face coverings are no longer advised for pupils, staff and visitors in classrooms. From 27 January, face coverings are no longer advised for pupils, staff and visitors in communal areas. From 27 January, staff and pupils should follow wider advice on face coverings outside of school, including on transport to and from school. We obviously leave it at the discretion of the students, staff and visitors if they wish to continue wearing a face covering beyond the date of the change in guidance. Please be assured that we do monitor the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in school and we do have the ability under contingency planning to re-introduce measures if we need to.

In a couple of weeks, year 11’s will have a trial results day. This will be part of an assembly that will inform them on how they need to use their trial results to prepare for the summer exams.

Congratulations to our top achievement point winners for last week. Year 7 Taylan R and Oscar S, Year 8 Brooke S, Year 9 Blake C, Mackenzie S and Tom W, Year 10 Devon S and Year 11 Amy P.

Have a lovely weekend

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Head of School’s Blog – 21 January 2022

21 January 2022

We have had a successful week in school with focused behaviour for learning in the
classrooms. It is important that we do acknowledge and celebrate the ‘normal’ work
that is done day in, day out, every week by our students and staff. It is the consistency of the expectations and lessons being delivered in the classrooms that
provides the basis for the progress we are making and supports the drive for wider opportunities. It is key that all students in all year groups do understand that every day is a building block to their future and that the best way to create a wide range of potential paths is to have a good positive work ethic. Thank you to all of our students who already have this.

Next week sees more extra-curricular sporting opportunities and we also have a new Astronomy Club starting for years 7,8 and 9 on Wednesdays between 3.15 pm – 4.30 pm, in addition to the many other clubs that are offered throughout the week at lunchtime and after school.

As you will be aware the Government updated their guidance this week to say that face coverings are no longer advised for pupils, staff and visitors in classrooms. From 27 January, face coverings are no longer advised for pupils, staff and visitors in communal areas. From 27 January, staff and pupils should follow wider advice on face coverings outside of school, including on transport to and from school. We obviously leave it at the discretion of the students, staff and visitors if they wish to continue wearing a face covering beyond the date of the change in guidance. Please be assured that we do monitor the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in school and we do have the ability under contingency planning to re-introduce measures if we need to.

Planning is currently being done for the Year 11 trial results day which will be held week commencing 31 January. This will be delivered as part of an assembly so that the students are clear about what this day means for them and how they need to use their trial results to prepare for the summer season.

I hope you have a great weekend.

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Generous Donation from GKN Employees

Generous Donation from GKN Employees

We would like to say a huge thank you to the employees of GKN Aerospace who have generously donated some money for our farm plot and Agriculture GCSE course. The donation has been used to purchase much needed tools and equipment which will make a huge difference to our students. We are so grateful!

We have managed to purchase: 30 pairs of wellington boots; overalls and waterproof trousers; gloves; spades, forks and hand tools; canes; weed matting; cloches; watering cans; polytunnel with wide doors for disabled access; kneeling mats; fleece tunnels; seeds and more which is still to arrive!

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Mock Trial Competition

Mock Trial Competition

The Island VI Form Mock Trial teams enjoyed both triumph and defeat in the revived Interschool Mock Trial competition, wonderfully hosted by Cowes Enterprise College this week and supported by experienced members of the legal profession.

After weeks of preparation and support from teachers, both schools fielded two teams of barristers, witnesses and courtroom staff and thoroughly rose to the occasion through the re-enactment of a court case concerned with a serious offence. The burden of proof is always with the prosecution teams, and consequently the Jury returned Not Guilty verdicts after weighing up the evidence put forward during both mock trials.

Island VI Form teachers Joe Cody and Vix Lowthion said “It was brilliant that both schools were able to provide this opportunity for our students. We thank Cowes staff for ably hosting the event this year and Tim O’Flynn and Nick Hayward for mentoring those who took part.  Our teams of VI Form students were self-assured, well prepared and ready to think on their feet, and certainly have the skills to enter the legal profession in the future.”

The High Sherriff of the Isle of Wight, James Attrill, was also in attendance. “It was a brilliant event and I was lucky to have the opportunity to see it first hand. The students had clearly done a huge amount of preparation and they all took part in a very professional and confident way. Young people have had a tough time over the last 2 years and all credit to them for taking part.”

The Island VI Form offers an A Level in Law and an Applied Diploma in Criminology alongside many other opportunities for anyone looking to a future in the legal professions.  

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