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24 February 2023

Dear Students, Parents & Carers,

Welcome back, I hope you had a productive half term and have produced high quality revision materials for yourself. By the time you read this there will be 5 weeks of this term and 2 weeks of Easter to finish creating your revision notes. Therefore leaving you 5 weeks to start going over them again and again to burn that information into your long term memory.

This is your job to do and no-one else can do this for you. If you have found something you don’t understand, ask your teachers for help and support, that is something we can help with.

We are about to start advertising revision workshops that will be accessible to all students. If you are struggling or need some support, look out for the advert on the Student Services Hub google classroom.

Year 12 students: EPQ (Extended Project Qualification)

Are you interested in taking another subject which accounts for half an A Level, on a subject of your own personal choice? The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is recognised by universities and employers for helping students to become great project managers.

How does it do this? You choose the topic, you complete research, you use that research to either write a report or create an artefact which answers your chosen topic question. Of course, taught sessions on project management will help you on your way.

If you’re interested, come along to the Year 13 Presentation Exhibition of their EPQ projects on Thursday 9th March from 2-4pm in the Main Hall, attend the Project Information Meetings and email

Best wishes