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16-19 Bursary

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a scheme to help students facing financial hardship to continue in full time education after Year 11. It is designed to contribute towards costs incurred when remaining in education, i.e. travel to and from their place of education and to provide essential equipment or resources.

There are two types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

  • Bursaries for defined vulnerable groups
  • Discretionary bursaries which institutions award using policies they set, in line with these funding rules

To qualify, a student must be aged 16 but under 19 at 31 August 2024 to be eligible for help from the bursary fund in the 2024 to 2025 academic year. Students aged 19 or over are only eligible to receive a discretionary bursary if they are continuing on the same programme of study they began aged 16 to 18 (19+ continuers) or have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Students aged 19 or over are not eligible for vulnerable group bursaries.

Please note that the 16-19 bursary is not intended as a source of regular income and it must only be used for costs related to a student’s programme of study. Receipts may be required as proof of how an award is spent by the student.

Appropriate evidence will be required to support an application. Further details on what evidence is required can be found on the application form.

Benefits in the form of bus travel or course materials will be made half termly, with the release of benefits dependent upon the student meeting the College’s conditions. All bursaries are subject to good attendance, conduct and attitude to learning which will be monitored across the school year. Students will be expected to agree to and sign a Bursary Fund Agreement before awards are made.

Decisions to award bursaries, or to discontinue them, will be made by an Awards Panel on the basis of the information available. The Panel will consist of the Head of VI Form and the Bursary administrator. If a young person feels that an application has been handled unfairly, he or she should submit an appeal to the Chair of the Governors’ Appeal Panel.

Further information on the 2024/2025 Bursary Fund can be be found on the Government website by clicking here

To apply for a Bursary, please download and complete the application form below and return it with supporting evidence to reception at The Island VI Form. If completing the online version of the form, please download it, complete and then save it as the students’ name and email it to along with any supporting evidence. 

Printed versions of the application form are also available from reception at The Island VI Form.