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Sports Roundup

Year 8 Rounders tournament at Cowes.
At the end of June, the Year 8s played in their rounders tournament. They played well during the evening with Sonja and Lucy batting well and Mylea excelling herself on second post. It was a fun night with some tightly contested games.

A group of lovely Year 9 Sport Leaders attended the PEACH games in West Wight. Over 20 Primary schools arrived to do a wide range of activities that were run by our leaders and a group of IOW College students. Despite some unfortunate weather, the leaders were outstanding and received many compliments from the Primary school teachers. It was also great to work alongside the leaders from Carisbrooke College who also did a great job.

Year 7 Rounders
Last week, the Year 7 rounders team headed off to Cowes for their tournament. We were missing some of the team unfortunately, but rather than pull out these girls took on the challenge of playing the other full sided teams. We borrowed players when we could and the girls got better and better with each game. Their team spirit and determination was excellent throughout the evening and they even managed to beat The Bay. I’m glad they chose to play. It was another day that one of our teams made me really proud of them. Well done ladies.

Miss Caddick.