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Head of School’s Blog – 6 October 2023

This week was World Teachers’ Day and I would like to publicly thank all the staff in our community who work very hard to bring about the best for the students within our care. I would also like to thank you all for your ongoing support as we work as a team to be ambitious for our young people. Without such strong parental support it is difficult to build a strong foundation of aspiration.

We have had another busy week with a Year 11 geography field trip and a careers evening for Year 11 as well, both of which were very successful. We have had lots of sporting fixtures and, although our students may not have experienced the success of winning this week, they have shown exceptional pride in our community and in representing Medina College so well.

It has been a pleasure to host our second Hot Chocolate Friday, well done to Rebecca W, Georgia W, Charlie J, Jack H, Gracie-May C, Zack W, Aston H, Jim W and Ruby H.

Next week we have Year 7 tutor evening on Wednesday 11 October between 4-7pm, we look forward to welcoming our new parents into the community.

On the whole, uniform has been very good, but can we remember that hoodies are not allowed in school, shoes should be black and skirts, if worn, should be knee length please. Well done for so many of our students who get this right on a daily basis, you are excellent ambassadors for our college.

You will have received a letter today about the parent governor vacancy that we are currently looking to fill. Please see our website for more details of this.

I would like to finish off by talking about the language students use. Please could discussions be had about the power of words, “your words carry amazing power. So when you speak make sure you uplift someone and never put them down.” It is never acceptable to put some down because of their race, their sexuality, their gender and their disability to name a few. So many of our students have a clear sense of equality when it comes to this and it is upsetting when a few students don’t recognise the harm that it can cause by highlighting negativity in differences rather than celebrating them.

Thank you again for your ongoing support and have a lovely weekend.

Mr Pearce-Jones
Head of School – Medina College