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25 November 2022

Our post 16 provision, The Island VI Form, opened its doors to Year 11 students from across the Island today, providing an opportunity for the young people to have a selection of ‘Taster’ lessons from the wide variety of subjects that we have on offer. It was very well attended and the students appeared to enjoy the wealth of experiences that they were able to take part in. It is important that students have the chance to see why they are working and revising hard. This will have given many students a new drive to ensure they give themselves the best opportunities for the future, by working hard to achieve their potential in their exams in the summer. The trial exams which are w/c 9 January are another week closer, so please support your child by making sure they are making the most of every lesson and learning opportunity. Revision session information will be shared during next week.

Next Wednesday we will be welcoming a couple of our Governors into school. They will be talking to students at break and/or lunchtime to gain an understanding of how they feel about their learning, their progress and their school experiences. They will be seeking the views of parents/carers over the coming weeks.

Our students who were involved in the ‘Student Takeover’ last Saturday at Independent Arts in Newport had a fantastically successful day. The gallery was buzzing all day with visitors taking part in activities and viewing the exhibition. Thank you to everyone who made this such a success.

Please see our website for useful information on how to keep up to date with your child’s achievement points, behaviour points and attendance on our new parent portal.

I hope you have a great weekend.