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4 March 2022

Welcome to our first newsletter for the second half of the Spring term. I can’t quite believe a week has passed already.

Over half term some of our students were involved with the Story Festival. In order to write an article for the County Press, they interviewed authors, illustrators and presenters as well as members of the public. They then worked together to combine their efforts which they submitted to the editor on Monday lunchtime. It was a very tight deadline but they completely rose to the challenge. Our students were described as, ‘confident, hardworking and conscientious journalists who were a credit to Carisbrooke College’.

Well done to Lucy C, one of our year 9 students who has come first in her previous two rounds and is now representing the school at the Trampolining National Finals on 12 March in Macclesfield. This is an amazing accomplishment especially considering the time missed due to covid.

Year 9 students and parents will have received a letter inviting them to the options evening on Tuesday 15 March. This is an opportunity to find out from staff more details about the different courses that are on offer. We look forward to seeing you all.

Rehearsals are back up and running for the Dance Live final on Tuesday 3 May and the pantomime cast are earnestly rehearsing in costumes now for their performance on Tuesday 29 March. I am very much looking forward to both.

Congratulations to our top achievement point winners for the penultimate week of last half term . Year 7 Lucy H, Year 8 Phoebe H, Year 9 Isabella H and Harry M, Year 10 Samuel R and Year 11 Aidan B, Jessica S and Eve W.

Congratulations to our top achievement point winners for the last week of last half term – Year 7 River S, Year 8 Angel M, Year 9 Olivia S, Year 10 Benjamin M and Year 11 Grace S.

Have a lovely weekend.