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25 November 2022

Today, year 11 students either went to the Isle of Wight College or attended the Island VI Form to get a first hand experience of the opportunities available post year 11. At the VI Form they had the opportunity to experience lessons from the wide variety of subjects that are on offer at A level. I popped down to see them and feedback from them was that they enjoyed the lessons and found it very informative. Hopefully, it will give them the motivation to work hard and achieve their targets in the summer exams so that all opportunities are available to them.

The trial exams for year 11 start 9 January – the students need to be making the most of every lesson and learning opportunity. Tutors are going through weekly revision tips with them. Information on revision sessions during and after school will be shared next week.

On Thursday, a group of year 8 students went to Southampton University for them to experience ‘A day in the life of a student’ at a university. The students thoroughly enjoyed the day and said it was interesting to see how it is being a student at University.

Next Wednesday we will be welcoming a couple of our Governors into school. They will be talking to students at break and/or lunchtime to gain an understanding of how they feel about their learning, their progress and their school experiences. They will be seeking the views of parents/carers over the coming weeks.

On Saturday we had seven brave students from Carisbrooke and Medina take on the task of running Independent Arts in Newport town centre. It was a jam packed day and our students worked incredibly hard, standing in as the Managers, Hub Co-ordinators and Workshop Practitioners. They managed to beat the Hub’s previous footfall for one day by 200+ people, welcoming 453 members of the public through the doors. They raised money for the charity and organised superb musical performances from our fab VI Form students. Well done to Toby and Lily in year 11 and Louis and Mia in year 9. I thought I would share some of the feedback we received:

Your students are an absolute credit to you all. I was so touched by how they supported one another and worked so well together, they were a great team. To see their friends and families come along to champion their day was an added joy and I am really so impressed by the values the Federation instill in their pupils and the ethos of encouragement.

We have flu vaccinations for students in years 7 – 9 on Tuesday 6 December. A link to the consent form has been sent out previously. If you haven’t completed this and would like your child to receive the vaccination, please do so.

Please see our website for useful information on how to keep up to date with your child’s achievement points, behaviour points and attendance on our new Parent Portals.

Have a lovely weekend.