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21 April 2023

We have had a very good start to the term. Students have arrived dressed smartly and settled back into routines well. I have enjoyed leading the assemblies this week to the year groups on ‘Progress’ – what it means and why it is important. As you know, our core values are built around ASPIRE which are Ambition, Success, Progress, Inspirations, Respect and Equality.

Thank you to parents/carers who attended the year 10 virtual parents’ evening on Wednesday. The year 8 parents’ evening will be held in school Thursday 4 May. Further details will follow. These events give you an opportunity to speak to your child’s individual subject teachers and discuss their progress and any concerns that they may have.

Next Thursday 27 April is a strike day. A letter has been emailed out to parents/carers detailing the arrangements for the day.

Have a lovely weekend.